
Vulcan Validator, validate HTML form data universally seamlessly.

A package to validate maps of data extracted from HTML forms in the client and server sides and a customizable jQuery plugin to validate forms as you type with ease.

This is the JavaScript API documentation. Here you will find information in detail about the use of the VulcanVal package for global use, client and server side, and the jQuery plugin to validate HTML forms in realtime.

In short, you can use the module vulcanval and all its methods in node.js with:

const vulcanval = require('vulcanval');

When you have installed the module in client side, you can make use of the module by accessing the global variable:


And when you install the plugin, the jQuery plugin namespace is:


You can see the global configurations used by the module, the fieldset configurations and the field configurations used by default and change some of them to apply among all instances.

More info at Documentation | Demos | JS API | SASS Config
